Creative macro wedding ring shots on a budget
My day two attempt at macro shooting on a budget.
the shot 1/60 sec f/4 35 mm ISO 400
I used 1 piece of the Tiffany blue glitter card stock, and either the round mirror or reflective card stock on the bottom, and the triangle led light to create this picture
the shot 1/60 sec f/4 35 mm ISO 400
In this photo, I used the mini bird nest and the long hair white faux fur to complete this look.
the shot 1/60 sec f/4 35 mm ISO 400
Gold glitter card stock behind and under the rings
this is using two black metallic card stock sheets and the top one fell down as I was shooting it. Happy accident. also this really shows the beauty of the ocean ring.
Used glitter gold cardstock for backdrop and metallic gold for the bottom
I purchased some 6"x 6" glitter and metallic card stock, some long and short hair fur $3.49, a round mirror, some feathers (primarily for the peacock plume) a small bird nest $2.99 and a lightweight container to carry it all in. Most of the items were under $4.00. The packs of cardstock were $6.99. I could have gotten 20% off but was literally too tired to go through the process of downloading the app at the I was hungry and feeling a bit dizzy so I just wanted to get home and get dinner cooked. I used rings I already had.
Hope you enjoyed the pictures. Please don't copy or make memes from these pictures. I will load them onto Pinterest so you can try to create similar ones at home.