April Showers bring Spring Flowers

Weekly Wedding Tips by I DO Weddings by Sheri Weekly Wedding Tips by I DO Weddings by Sheri 💙💐💍 April Sho w ers bring May Flowers is the old adage. But what does it mean for your marriage? Find growth in the rain of your marriage. Just like in nature, rain and storms are needed to make flowers and gardens grow. The same can be said for your marriage or domestic partnership. Although rain and storms assail your marriage, your marriage is not doomed to fail, but grow stronger, more secure, more formidable because of your special bond of love. Your love fertilizes and nourishes each other's souls. As your marriage progresses, you will have unexpected trials and complications. Some foreseeable, others not so much. You may experience storms and downpours in the form of financial situations, issues with the exes, problems with children; from step-parenting to trying to conceive. You may experience job loss or the loss of a cherished family member or friend or th...