April Showers bring Spring Flowers

 Weekly Wedding Tips by I DO Weddings by Sheri

Weekly Wedding Tips by I DO Weddings by Sheri
April Showers bring May Flowers is the old adage. But what does it mean for your marriage?

Find growth in the rain of your marriage.

Just like in nature, rain and storms are needed to make flowers and gardens grow. The same can be said for your marriage or domestic partnership. Although rain and storms assail your marriage, your marriage is not doomed to fail, but grow stronger, more secure, more formidable because of your special bond of love. Your love fertilizes and nourishes each other's souls.

As your marriage progresses, you will have unexpected trials and complications. Some foreseeable, others not so much. You may experience storms and downpours in the form of financial situations, issues with the exes, problems with children; from step-parenting to trying to conceive. You may experience job loss or the loss of a cherished family member or friend or the catastrophic illness of your partner or spouse. You might even find infidelity has wormed a way in.

Your love, devotion, dedication, respect, compassion, and communication is the water that helps nourish your marriage to thrive. Remember the vows we created or the ones you wrote? ( or the ones you will soon write in the not-to-distant future) Those are your heart's promises and your battle armor to love, honor, and protect each other. Your words are your sword, your commitment to love is your shield.

Don't expect your marriage to be perfectly happy at all times. Life brings rain and storms and floods when you least expect it. Face the rain and the storms of your marriage together. Remember what brought you to one another. True love is worth fighting for. Tend to your marriage as if it is a seedling that needs water, light, time, love, and patience to grow. Don't let the weeds of ingratitude, complacency, infidelity, abuse, or ignorance overrun your garden of love (your marriage). The more your garden of love (marriage) is not tended, the more your marriage will suffocate. At first, there will be a few dead leaves (little things that irritate you, inconsiderate words or actions) Then a bloom won't open (bigger things like keeping secrets, breaking promises, arguing instead of discussing, becoming emotionally unavailable) Then the flower starts to wilt (infidelity, abuse, financial hardships, debilitating illnesses or addictions)and eventually dies and falls to the ground, sometimes whole, sometimes in many pieces,(these are problems that are so catastrophic that forgiveness is hard or not an option, you believe nothing can fix the situation, your emotional pain is too great, your bond feels severed)

In all of these instances, there is time to revive your marriage by tending and nurturing your partner and yourself with the light of love and possibly a higher power. Remembering at all times to behave and act in a manner that is respectful and honorable. Communicate early on to avoid seeds of anger, resentment, and eventually hatred, to take root. Talk often and tenderly. Hold hands. Make room for romantic gestures, from little love notes to lavish experiences, you know what your marriage needs and can afford. Really Listen and Learn about your other half of your soul as you grow together so you can support each other's visions for the future.

Caring is the fertilizer, love is the essential water element. Shared structured lifestyles and goals with the positive support of family and friends is the fertile ground you want to plant your garden of love in. Married couples of I DO Weddings by Sheri how does your garden grow?!

You are better together than apart. That is why you chose to take this lifelong journey of love. Choose daily to love one another so your marriage roots are strong and established. When the rain and storms come, you may bend and sway but you will not break. When the sun or 'Son' shines in your life again you can dance in rain puddles you have conquered together. 💙

Thank you for reading. May your marriage be strong, successful, loving, and full of laughter and light!

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